When people ask me what we do at Impact Technology, I tell them we buy used copiers. But truth be told, we sell several thousand copiers each month as well. While the business of buying and selling used copiers is certainly not glamorous, we do find it to be meaningful work. When working with our leasing partners, our goal is simple: get them the best return-on-investment we can. This means we have to work hard to find the rightful new owner for their used copier and of course selling it at top market values. I’m fairly confident in saying that most of us here at Impact also take great pleasure in the fact that zero percent of any equipment we receive ends up in landfills. We’re very mindful of our process and when we buy used copiers we also ensure to sell or re-purpose them in the best way possible. As it turns out, about ten percent of the copiers we receive are of absolutely no value to our clients, but this doesn’t mean that asset will go to waste. On the contrary, we take that copier to a location where it will get broken down into useable and meaningful parts.
My dad was my very first employee back in 2002 and I remember very well him saying to me, he said, “Son, it is easy to buy used copiers, but even more important is to find buyers for them.” How true that statement was! At the time I really didn’t comprehend the full meaning or wisdom behind what he was actually telling me. It took our company over a decade to find the right balance between selling our used copier inventory on a timely basis for the best price possible. For those first ten years we were buying more used copiers than we were selling, and so Impact Technology continued to grow it’s footprint to over 100,000 sq. ft. Over the last five years we have focused on adding great sales personnel, so now each month, we sell as many copiers as we purchase. We also have put an emphasis on “scrapping” or re-purposing about 10% of our used copier inventory each and every month– rather than waiting for a blue moon to come along. Dad called that “saving a penny, but spending a nickel.” Now I finally understand what that phrase meant as well.